I’m not sure if it’s possible to be 100% Google free on the net but I’ve just deleted my account at last. I downloaded a few photos that were still on there and checked the spam filled email for the last time and then clicked delete. No going back.

Giving this app a try. I’m a pen/paper person when it comes to todo lists but if I was going to use an app full time then I think this would fit my simple needs. Today Beta | A Semantical App

The iOS Journal app is starting to grow on me. I don’t use it every day but I like the way it suggests places, photos, and activities from the day as starting points. I think its strengths lie in recording memories rather than as a record of thoughts and feelings though. That’s how I’m using it.

Paid a visit to Braehead Shopping Centre in Glasgow today. I went into the Apple Store and came out ten minutes later with an unplanned brand new iPad Pro. It was inevitable, wasn’t it?

I Don't Really Like Social Media

Yet, off the back of Manton’s recent posts regarding OpenAI, I read a number of responses from people on Mastodon that were needlessly antagonistic and emotionally detached, with some cancelling their subscriptions. Pile on!! These were posted to Mastodon but could be seen in an otherwise tranquil Micro.blog app thanks to the platform’s support for ActivityPub.Source: Protocols, platforms and priorities · Paul Robert Lloyd

I like this response. It gets to why I’m disenchanted with social media in general. I think it’s obvious that @manton is a good person so some of the reactions to his comments were way over the top. Federated social media hasn’t fixed the self-righteous blowhard problem but micro.blog is going a long way to make things better.

Quick rule before signing up to any new online service - check how easy it is to find the exit door.

I always set up a new computer/device as a new user. It lets me get rid of all the rubbish and unused applications that have been taking up space for years. All the important stuff is backed up to iCloud. If I find myself missing something I can always download it again. So far so good.

New MacBook

I became a full time laptop user this week after years of using iMacs as my main computer. My current iMac was the last of the 27 inch Intel machines and I’ve been a bit underwhelmed by the current lineup. My useage has also changed in a lot of ways and so I decided to go for the best MacBook Pro I could afford. I went for the MacBook Pro M3 (Pro) with the default memory configuration and I’m very pleased with it. There’s a lot more power here than I probably need but this thing will be good for years to come.